The Young Foundation’s recent report, Beyond Buzzwords, shines a light on the range of barriers facing professionals in the workplace, and highlights some startling EDI statistics collected from a survey of over 7,000 individuals:

  • Almost three-quarters of professionals surveyed reported experiencing barriers to progression in their career or discriminatory behaviour in the workplace
  • 53% of professionals have considered leaving their profession/organisation due to EDI related issues
  • A feeling of being overlooked or undervalued is the most common reason for considering leaving a profession, selected by over 74% of those surveyed. 

Earlier this week, our CEO Matthew Chapman spoke alongside fellow members of the Institute of Workplace and Facilities Management EDI Focus Group to discuss the report’s findings. Providing further insight, Matt draws attention to what organisations must do to cultivate more inclusive and equitable environments for all:

The Beyond Buzzwords report highlights some unsettling truths, and while troubling to read, these statistics aren’t entirely surprising. We all know that there is a long way to go if we are to break down the barriers that far too many people face every day; but to do that, we need to change the mindsets of organisation’s that don’t truly commit themselves to EDI principles.


We need to promote that EDI isn’t just about ticking boxes and making superficial adjustments to recruitment policies. Organisations must live and breathe EDI principles and embody them in all aspects of their culture and ethos. By doing this, environments are cultivated where inclusivity and equity are not just ideals, but fundamental pillars.


Everyone, regardless of their background or identity, deserves to feel part of a community, valued and happy in their environments. It’s up to us to achieve that. It’s about hearing every voice, empowering every individual, and creating a sense of belonging for all. Only by doing this can we lay the foundation for improvement.”


– Matt Chapman, CEO of SBFM


To read the full Beyond Buzzwords report, click here.

To watch the IWFM EDI Focus Group webinar, click here.