- May 25, 2023

In the latest issue of Premises & Facilities Management, Ricky Majer, Chief Technology Officer at SBFM discussed how if we are to truly empower our frontline workforce, facilities management must connect the dots between technology, data and people.
Mention innovation in industry circles and discussion will inevitably turn to the utopian vision of what technology adoption can deliver. But the reality is FM’s journey into digital transformation is in its infancy. Soft services, in particular, is still largely delivered by people through traditional, low-tech methods.
Technologies greatest potential, then, is not simply to enhance service standards by replacing people, but rather ensure those on the frontline are in the spotlight, have a voice, and are given the tools to succeed.
The question we should be asking as an industry therefore is; how can technology support, empower and impact people?
Unified communications
We have entered an era where employees demand more flexibility than that offered by a traditional 9-to-5 job. For FM companies, leveraging a ‘gig economy’ can help expand their talent pool, and also empower colleagues to be more creative and self-reliant.
The industry is reimagining the way the working world works, and technology is the driving force behind that change. Much like the model delivered by ride-sharing services company Uber, employees are now able to request, accept or reject additional work, and are then contracted to complete specific tasks outside of their contracted hours seamlessly through digital platforms.
The key to this though, is a seamless Unified Communication (UC) strategy. One that breaks down silos between a workforce, and ensures that no matter who you are, or where you are, you can access the same secure system.
The right UC platform gathers everything employees need to connect, share and work together through a streamlined approach. The result is improved productivity, reduced costs, stronger performance and employee empowerment.
You can find out more by reading the full article (page 29):